Doing self-care should also be long-lasting, not just your handmade press-on nails. You’re investing in your look and increasing your self-confidence by making the effort to keep your nails in good condition. Taking into consideration the various adhesive types, application techniques, and your lifestyle; press-on nail treatment could typically last around a week. The majority of press-on nail products…

What people wear tells a lot about the person wearing it. It is one way to express yourself, your tastes, values, and culture. One’s personality and beauty are enhanced by what she chooses to wear, and may even reflect her status in life. But these wearables are not only concentrated on clothing and shoes but also the pieces of…

Even though most women are fashion-forward and keen on following the latest design trends, there are certain styles which are timeless and never go out of fashion. There are always countless ways you can style your decade-old trench coat or t-shirt to make it look modern and trendy at the same time.
We have list 10 wardrobe essentials that have been in style for a long time and will probably never go out of style.

Winters have finally set in; it means this is the time of the year where invitations for cocktail parties will reflexively stream in; Cocktail party arrangements however what’s difficult is what to wear and how to create the perfect outfit for never-ending party invitations. Here’s our quick guide on Cocktail party trends for this holiday season.