If you have acne-prone skin or wondering whether your skin is acne-prone, your struggle is understandable. Anything which distorts your look can take a toll on your confidence. And finding it out to seek proper treatment is the right call.
If you are facing issues related to whiteheads, blackheads, pimples or blemishes, then you must be wondering what’s the cause behind it. Well, this blog will give you information about acne-prone skin, its causes and how you can take care of it. So, if you are interested, you can hop on with us on the ride.
Acne Prone Skin: What Is It?
Experts have classified acne into two categories to simplify its explanation:
The mild stage of acne, when it’s in the initial stage, comes under this category. A person has noninflammatory conditions when they have blackheads and whiteheads which clog the pores. Blackheads are not bumpy and appear to be black, whereas whiteheads look like skin-coloured bumps on the face.
Anything on your face which appears to be red and slightly more prominent as compared to whiteheads & blackheads comes under this category. You can encounter papules and pustules in the initial stage. Nodules and cysts appear in a more advanced stage. Small red bumps are papules. If those bumps contain pus, they are called pustules. The advanced and large form of pustules which feels like it’s beneath your skin is more aggressive acne.
You have acne-prone skin if your skin is susceptible to anything like the two categories mentioned above.
Causes Of Acne
There are several things that combinedly cause acne. Hormonal imbalance, oily skin and bacteria are some of the root causes of acne. Excess oil results in rapid dead skin cells, and when it is combined with bacteria and clogs the follicles, it can result in acne as the sebum is unable to escape the pores. Some other causes are:
- Follicles Producing access oil.
- Tanning can damage and make your skin sensitive.
- Dead skin cells clog the pores.
- Building up of bacteria.
- Hormonal changes such as menstrual cycle, pregnancy, menopause or puberty.
How To Take Care Of It
Don’t Touch Your Face, Especially The Affected Area
Your hands also produce oil and can inflame the skin even more. Thus, no matter if your hands are clean, avoid touching your face unnecessarily, especially the affected area.
Use Topical And Oral Medications
There are various topical and oral medications available to treat acne. You can also use skincare for acne-prone skin by BIODERMA.
Include Non-greasy Moisturisers In Your Skin Care
Include water-based or non-greasy moisturisers in your skincare to reduce oil production. You can also use dry oil as it can keep your skin hydrated without making it too oily.
Use Mild Cleanser
Avoid using harsh products to wash your face to strip it of oil. It’s true that excess oil can cause acne, but your skin still needs hydration.
Seek Professional Aid
There are therapies that include light therapy, chemical peels and so on. If your condition is out of control and no skincare is able to improve it, it’s time for you to seek professional aid to use extensive procedures.
Final Thoughts
If you have come this far, you must know whether or not your skin is acne-prone. If it is, start implementing the tips in this blog for your skincare regimen to prevent it from worsening.